Got a secret? Can you keep it? Swear this one you'll save. Is Pretty Little Liars still a thing? I stopped watching after season 3. I may give it another go someday. Anyway, today I'm going to spill some book-related secrets. And I encourage you to do the same in the comments so I don't feel bad about mine.
Okay, let's see...
1) Deforestation is my fault!? (Oh, wait , why am I using a clickbait? This isn't Youtube)

2) I was a rebel in school
My definition of rebel is probably not the same as yours. My only acts of rebellion in school were not reading the assigned books.
Yes, I admit it. I hate it when I have to read something I didn't choose. So most of the time, I didn't. I just searched for good summaries online. I still do, on occasions (please don't tell my professors.) Luckily, after so many years of compulsory reads, one of my professors is letting us choose the books to do our research on. If you wanted know (probably not) I chose The Help by Kathryn Stockett, Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, and 1984 by George Orwell.
3) I don't analyze books

4) Potterheads probably hate me
Okay, here it goes: I haven't finished the Harry Potter saga.
Yes, I know. I'm on book 3 and I will finish it some day. But that day is not in the near future. I loved the first two, it's just that I have a hard time reading middle-grade because I can't really connect with the characters. I have the same problem with the Percy Jackson books.
5) Unhauling is not a word I know

Wow, that feels good. And definitely cheaper than a therapist. Question: are you tired of my gifs yet? No? Great.
See you later!
What are YOU hiding? Do you have any solutions for my problems? Please, tell me!
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