Hey, what's up? I'm tired and in a bad mood, but what can you do. While I was browsing around, I found a book tag that sounded fun. I watch so much Netflix that the TV's remote control has become an extension to my arm. So, I though this tag would be appropriate.
Let's dive into it!
Book you had to put down because you didn't like it.
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. I know it's a sacrilege, okay? But hear me out. I didn't hate or dislike this book. It was just a bit dense in my opinion and I wasn't in the right mood, so I decided to set it aside until I was. The thing is, this was a year ago and I still haven't picked it up... I'll try to finish it this year but no promises.
Book you talk about and recommend to anyone.
Yes, this is yet another post in which I talk about SJM's books. I've literally recommended this series to all my friends. Nobody listened, though. Read some Sarah J Maas, please. You'll be happy, I'll be happy, we'll all be happy together.
Book you are ashamed you've read and don't want anyone to find out.

Book in another language you've read with the help of a dictionary.
This one's tricky, cause English is my second language and I never look up words in the dictionary. I'm going to go with Rayuela by Julio Cortázar. This is a very complicated book to read, not only for the constant references to stuff I don't know, but also because it has some parts in french (which I can barely understand.) I did have to look up some of those in a dictionary.
Short book you always reread.
Oh man, I don't have an answer for this one. I'm not a re-reader, sorry. I've only done it with two book in my life: The Survival Kit by Donna Freitas and The Lonely Hearts Club by Elizabeth Eulberg.
How often do you organize your bookshelves?
That's easy, never. I don't have an organized bookshelf; I simply keep my series together, and the rest of the books are in random order. I hope that when I get a bigger one, I will start to have system... but that's a big "if".
Book that was recommended to you and left you speechless.

Series in which you like the first book more than the others.
Don't get me wrong, I loved all 3 of them but I loved Anna and the French Kiss more. There's something about the original squad that's just so 💗💗💗. I just enjoyed it so much!
YAY! Hope you enjoyed it.
I saw this tag on LaVidaSecretadelosLibros.
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