Review Policy/Contact

General Information                                                

I review Young Adult, New Adult and Adult books. 

I accept print ARCs, finished copies, audiobooks and select eBooks (epub, pdf, mobi)
In case I get asked to review a book that belongs to a series, then I may need the previous books. 


I accept books from the following genres:



*Graphic Novels



I do NOT accept books strongly influenced by religion or politics


I will always be honest and share my thoughts in a respectful way but if I feel a book does not live up to my expectations then I will state so in my review. 

I try and finish every book I receive and I can guarantee that there will be a review for every single one of them. However, if I feel the book does not work for me, then I will not force myself to finish it. I will write a review of my thoughts so far and an explanation of why I decided to put it down (as long as the publisher allows me to).

My opinions will not be biased under any circumstances. 

I expect to have at least 20-25 days to read and write/post a review. If there is an expected deadline and/or certain format for the review, it should be detailed from the beginning.

Reviews will include:
-Cover art
-Book stats: Title, author, publisher, page count, release date, series status
-My thoughts
-Special thank you to the provider of the book

*Disclaimer: the rating will depend mostly on my enjoyment. Technical details will not be of much influence.

Rating System

 Exclusive for books that leave an impact on me and deserve a special recognition.

I absolutely loved this book and had no issues with it.

really liked this book yet there were some issues that prevented me from rating it 5 stars.

It is an average book and while I may have enjoyed it, it was definitely not perfect.

There were too many issues with the book that made me not enjoy it.

Absolutely hated it.

I post my reviews on my blog but if requested, I could review on Goodreads or other platforms.

Other Business                                                         

Given the fact that this is a very recently created blog, giveaways and interviews may not have a great response. I do, however, accept them. I also enjoy taking part in book tours.


I can be contacted at or

I reserve the right to modify this policy when needed.

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