About Me

GET TO KNOW ME                                               

I'm a 20 year-old Latin American woman who loves reading (a little too much some may say). I live in Argentina and am currently half way through my Public and Literary English Translation degree at university.

If I'm not here or reading a book then you can find me binge watching stuff or ransacking the fridge.
My favorite genre is YA Fiction, specially high and epic fantasy 💗 

GET TO KNOW THE BLOG                                 

I started the blog because I couldn't get enough out of just reading a book. I needed to express and share my feelings for them with the world. I want this to be a space where other book-obsessive people can feel at home. Where they can share their thoughts and fangirl all together.

What I really mean is:

I want readers to get involved in the wonderful online book community. So, please go ahead and leave a comment whenever you feel like it.

MORE INFORMATION                                         

Where do I get my books?
I buy my books with my own money and/or kindly receive (mostly) eBook copies for reviews.

What books do I review?
Please refer to my Review Policy.

Publishers, authors and fellow bloggers can contact me at inkyreviewsblog@hotmail.com or maar_cv_97@hotmail.com

Social Media


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