I'm one of those people who're hungry ALL THE TIME. It's not a joke. I ate a gigantic plate of food half an hour ago and I'm already considering going back for ice cream. I have no idea of how I still fit through the door. Anyway, since I enjoy food and specially dinner, I picked this interesting book tag called Literary Dinner Party.
Imagine you are organizing a big dinner like the one Professor Slughorn hosted in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. You'll pick one book character for each question. Who will receive an invitation?
1) Someone who cooks

2) Someone to sponsors the dinner

3) Someone that can cause a scene

4) Someone who will make everyone laugh

5) Someone popular

6) A villain

7) A couple
I would love to have Rhys and Feyre among my guests. It adds a bit of diversity, you know? I love every aspect of their relationship: their mutual respect, balance, trust and love. Although they're a bit too pda lovers, they know when to get serious. I trust that they will actually use their mouths to talk.
8) A hero or heroin
Well, Tony Stark is already invited but, if Steve Rogers was in the room too, it could turn out to be quite a fun night. Or the whole place could get destroyed. I'll take the risks. Cap is such an honorable and respectful guy, who I bet has great manners.
9) An underestimated character
If we look "underestimated" up on a dictionary, I believe we'll find a picture of John Watson. We can't help but love Sherlock, but we sometimes forget how important John is too. I want him to feel loved and that's why he's receiving an invitation.
10) A character of your choice
A dinner is no such thing without a good debate. I wouldn't want to be the person who argues with Hermione Granger but it's a fight worth watching. I'll try not to drop too much popcorn on the ground.
There you have it! I think some great conversations could come up during the night.
I saw this tag on Butterfly Kisses.
Should I make some souvenirs? What could be a good theme for the dinner? What are your picks? Tell me in the comments :)
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